Protecting Kids with Kaspersky Safe
  • Kaspersky
  • 09th December, 2020
  • Internet Security

    About Kaspersky Safe Kids
    Kaspersky Safe Kids is a cross-platform solution that helps you monitor the security of your child in the real world and the virtual world. It is up to you to decide what is safe for your child, such as what websites he or she can visit, how many hours he or she can spend using the computer or smartphone, and where he or she is allowed to walk. The application makes sure that your child obeys the rules you have set. Kaspersky Safe Kids is compatible with Windows, macOS, Android and iOS devices. If you install Kaspersky Safe Kids on your devices and on the devices your child uses, you can manage the application on the child’s devices using your My Kaspersky account or using parent mode of the application on your mobile device.
    If you use Kaspersky Safe Kids
Your child can disable Kaspersky Safe Kids using Kaspersky Internet Security. To avoid this, Kaspersky recommends that you protect access to Kaspersky Internet Security settings with a password.

If you signed in to the operating system under an account that is linked to a child profile in Kaspersky Safe Kids, Kaspersky Internet Security stops showing the following notifications:

  • Notifications about security news
  • Notifications about the detection of weak settings in the operating system
  • Notifications about the current device connecting to a Wi-Fi network
  • Notifications about a device connecting to a home Wi-Fi network
  • Browser notifications about an insufficiently strong password being entered on a website
  • Notifications warning you that the password you are entering on a website has already been previously entered by you on a different website
  • You can enable notifications by selecting the Show notifications in children’s accounts check box in the Notification settings window (Settings → Interface → Notifications).

    How to download and install Kaspersky Safe Kids

      To download and install Kaspersky Safe Kids that has not been installed yet:
      1. Open the main application window.
      2. Click the Protection for kids button. The Protection for kids window opens.
      3. Click the Download and install button. Kaspersky Internet Security downloads the Kaspersky Safe Kids installation package and installs the application on your computer.
    How to run Kaspersky Safe Kids
      To start Kaspersky Safe Kids that is already installed:
      1. Open the main application window of Kaspersky Internet Security.
      2. Click the Protection for kids button.
      3. In the window, click the Open button.
      The Kaspersky Safe Kids application window opens.

    Voice your opinion and say what you feel like saying. If you think the blog post missed a few pointers, leave it in the comment section. Don’t just be a passive blog commenter and reiterate what has already been said. Lead the conversation !

    1. 15 May 2021 at 10:10 Reply

      Thank you for sharing this

      1. 15 May 2021 at 10:10 Reply

        My kids need to be protected too. Been too reluctant to care what they do online